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14 Reasons Not to Buy Fake Dog Grass Pads (Must Know)!

14 Reasons Not to Buy Fake Dog Grass Pads (Must Know)!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

December 27, 2023

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Taking dogs for walks, runs and potty breaks can be tiring. That's why so many dog owners opt for options like dog grass pads as a solution.

However, don't get me wrong there are benefits to grass pads but there are disadvantages as well. In this article, we will explore 14 reasons why you should reconsider buying fake dog grass pads.

Let's dive in!

What Are Fake Dog Grass Pads?

Before we dive into the reasons, let's get a better understanding of what dog gras pads are.

Fake dog grass pads are synthetic turf mats designed to mimic real grass. They are marketed as an alternative to natural grass for potty training purposes. While they may seem convenient at first glance, there are several drawbacks to using fake dog grass pads that every dog owner should be aware of.

Here's a picture of a dog grass pad:

Reasons Why Not To Buy Fake Grass Pads

1. Training Will Be Difficult

Potty training your dog can be a challenging task, especially if you opt for fake dog grass pads. Dogs naturally associate grass with the need to relieve themselves, and using fake grass can confuse them. It may take longer for your dog to understand that the fake grass pad is the designated area for potty breaks. This confusion can lead to accidents inside your home and prolonged training sessions.

Additionally, some dogs may refuse to use fake grass pads altogether. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, and the artificial scent of the fake grass may deter them from using it. This can lead to frustration for both you and your furry companion.

2. May Not Find Comfortable

Unlike real grass, fake dog grass pads do not provide the same level of comfort for your pet. Dogs enjoy the texture and feel of natural grass under their paws. Fake grass pads, on the other hand, can feel rough and unnatural. Your dog may be hesitant to step on the artificial turf, making it difficult for them to feel at ease during potty breaks.

Comfort is crucial for your dog's well-being, and using fake grass pads may compromise their overall happiness and contentment. It's important to consider your pet's comfort when making decisions about their living environment.

3. They Will Start Peeing on Other Things Around the House

One of the major disadvantages of using fake dog grass pads is that they can lead to unwanted behaviors. Dogs are creatures of habit, and if they are trained to use a fake grass pad inside the house, they may start associating other objects with their potty area. This can result in your dog peeing on carpets, furniture, or other household items.

Once your dog establishes the habit of peeing on objects other than the designated potty area, it can be challenging to break this behavior. It's important to consider the potential consequences before introducing fake dog grass pads into your home.

4. Unpleasant Smells

Fake dog grass pads may be convenient in terms of cleanliness, but they can also lead to unpleasant odors. Unlike natural grass, fake grass does not absorb urine or neutralize odors effectively. This means that the urine will sit on the surface of the pad, creating a breeding ground for bacteria and emitting a foul smell.

The accumulation of urine and bacteria can be harmful to your dog's health and lead to urinary tract infections or other related issues. Additionally, the strong smell can permeate your home, making it an uncomfortable living environment for both you and your dog.

5. Nightmare to Clean

Cleaning fake dog grass pads can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. While they may seem easy to maintain initially, the reality is quite different. Urine and feces can get trapped in the synthetic fibers, requiring thorough cleaning to eliminate the odor and bacteria.

Moreover, fake grass pads often require special cleaning solutions or disinfectants to effectively remove stains and odors. This adds an extra expense to your pet care routine. Regular cleaning and maintenance of fake dog grass pads can quickly become a hassle.

6. Will Wear Out Quickly

One of the main reasons why fake dog grass pads are not a good investment is their durability. Unlike real grass, fake grass pads can wear out quickly, especially with daily use. The constant friction caused by your dog's paws can lead to tears and fraying, making the pad unusable in a short amount of time. This means you will have to spend more money on frequent replacements, which can add up over time.

Additionally, fake dog grass pads tend to lose their vibrant green color over time, further diminishing their aesthetic appeal. This can make your indoor or outdoor space look unkempt and unappealing.

7. Unnatural Scent Of Fake Grass

Another disadvantage of fake dog grass pads is the unnatural scent they emit. While manufacturers may try to replicate the smell of real grass, it often falls short. The synthetic materials used in fake grass pads can have a strong chemical odor that can be off-putting for both you and your dog. This artificial scent can be distracting and unpleasant, making it difficult for your dog to associate the pad with the proper place to relieve themselves.

8. Some dogs eat their own poop

One of the most concerning reasons to avoid fake dog grass pads is the potential health hazard they pose, especially for dogs that eat their own poop. Some dogs have a habit of consuming their feces, known as coprophagia. When using a fake grass pad, it can be challenging to prevent your dog from ingesting the synthetic materials, which can be harmful to their digestive system.

9. There Are Other Options Than Pee Pads

While using pee pads, whether real or fake, may seem convenient, there are alternative options that are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. For instance, you can opt for training your dog to go outdoors or use real grass sods indoors. These alternatives provide a more natural and sustainable solution, eliminating the need for purchasing and disposing of fake dog grass pads.

10. Your Dog Will Get Walked Less

Using fake dog grass pads can inadvertently discourage you from taking your dog for regular walks. Dogs need regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental well-being. By relying solely on grass pads, your dog may miss out on the benefits of exploring the outdoors, socializing with other dogs, and experiencing new sights and smells. Walking your dog also helps strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend, creating a healthier and happier relationship.

11. Contribute to Environmental Issues

One of the most significant drawbacks of fake dog grass pads is their negative impact on the environment. These synthetic materials are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to decompose in landfills. Additionally, the production process of these pads often involves the use of harmful chemicals and contributes to pollution. By opting for natural alternatives, such as real grass or biodegradable dog litter, we can minimize our ecological footprint and support a healthier planet for future generations.

12. Expensive in the Long Run

While fake dog grass pads may seem like a cost-effective solution initially, they can become quite expensive in the long run. These pads require regular cleaning and maintenance, including the purchase of specialized cleaning solutions and odor neutralizers. Furthermore, synthetic grass pads may need to be replaced over time due to wear and tear. In contrast, natural grass or other alternatives may prove to be more cost-efficient and environmentally friendly options.

13. Potential Allergies

Dogs, just like humans, can be susceptible to allergies. The synthetic materials used in fake dog grass pads may trigger allergic reactions in some pets. These reactions can range from mild irritations to more severe respiratory issues. By choosing natural alternatives, such as real grass or organic dog litter, we can minimize the risk of allergies and ensure our pets' well-being.

14. Maintaining Can Be More Work

Contrary to popular belief, maintaining fake dog grass pads can be more labor-intensive than caring for natural alternatives. These synthetic pads require regular cleaning, disinfection, and odor control to prevent bacterial growth and unpleasant smells. Additionally, they may need to be replaced periodically due to wear and tear. In comparison, natural grass or biodegradable dog litter can be easily managed with routine maintenance and proper drainage systems.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, while fake dog grass pads may seem like a convenient solution for toilet training your dog, they come with several downsides. Now this is an opinionated topic and it's up to you whether you go ahead and get grass pads for your dog.

We hope we helped you with this one. Till next time!

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