A Cat Scratched My Dog's Eye: Here’s What To Do
A Cat Scratched My Dog's Eye: Here’s What To Do

By: Sarah Hodgson
December 25, 2023
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If you're a dog owner it's not uncommon to encounter situations when your dog gets injured and if you have a cat you know they like to scratch. So it might not be that uncommon if your cat scratches your dog's eyes. While it may seem alarming, stay calm and we'll explore it all.
In this article, we will explore what to do if your dog's eye is scratched by a cat.
Let's dive in!
Can Cats Scratch Dogs Eyes?
Is it even possible for a dog to get scratched in their eyes by cats?
Cats have sharp claws and they like to scratch and play with their scratching. It is possible for a cat's claw to accidentally make contact with a dog's eye. Since a dog's eye is so delicate it makes it susceptible to scratches, especially if the cat's claw is sharp.
Can a Dog Get Sick From a Cat Eye Scratch?
While a cat scratch on a dog's eye can be painful and may result in various health problems for the dog, it is important to understand that the risk of the scratch itself causing an illness is relatively low. Why? Due to the eye's rapid healing, and protective mechanisms.
However, there is a potential for secondary infections to occur if the scratch is not properly treated or if the dog continuously irritates the affected area. These infections can occur due to bacteria present on the cat's claws or from the dog's own natural flora.
Therefore, since they could get sick. It is crucial to take prompt action and seek appropriate veterinary care to minimize the risk of complications and ensure your dog's optimal recovery.

What Are The Symptoms Of a Scratched Dog Eye?
Identifying the symptoms of a scratched dog eye is essential to provide appropriate care. While there may be variations depending on the severity of the scratch the most common symptoms include:
- Redness and Swelling: The affected eye may appear red and swollen, indicating inflammation and potential damage.
- Excessive Tearing: The dog's eye may produce an increased amount of tears in response to the injury, leading to tear-stained fur around the eye.
- Squinting or Blinking: Dogs often squint or blink excessively when their eyes are injured or in pain. This is their natural reflex to protect the affected eye.
- Cloudiness or Discharge: If the scratch is severe, the dog's eye may appear cloudy, and there could be discharge or pus-like fluid present.
- Behavioral Changes: Dogs in pain may exhibit changes in behavior such as restlessness, aggression, or lethargy.
What Should I Do If My Dog Gets Scratched by a Cat?
Now to the main question, what should you do?
If you notice that your dog has been scratched by a cat, it is crucial to take immediate action to help prevent any further health issues.
It's best to contact your vet or rush them to the vet immediately. The vet will know the exact and proper treatment to help your dog's eye. Make sure not to wait as waiting will just make things worse.
If you think their eye was minorly injured still contact the vet. However, you can follow some of the steps below, before doing so. Here are some steps you should follow:
- Assess the Situation: Carefully examine the affected eye to determine the extent of the injury. If you notice any foreign objects or debris in the eye, do not attempt to remove them yourself. Leave this task to a professional vet.
- Gently Clean the Eye: If the scratch appears minor and there are no foreign objects, you can gently clean the area around the eye using a clean, damp cloth. This will help remove any dirt or irritants that may be present.
- Apply an Eye Ointment: To minimize the risk of infection and promote healing, your veterinarian may prescribe an antibiotic eye ointment or drops. Follow their instructions carefully and administer the medication as directed.
- Prevent Scratching: To prevent your dog from further aggravating the injury, consider using an Elizabethan collar (also known as a cone) to restrict their access to the affected eye. This will prevent them from scratching or rubbing the eye, allowing it to heal properly.
- Monitor the Healing Process: Keep a close eye on your dog's progress. If you notice any worsening of symptoms, such as increased redness, swelling, or discharge, contact your veterinarian immediately for further guidance.

Will It Cause An Infection?
While a scratched dog eye can potentially lead to an infection, proper care and timely treatment will significantly reduce the risk of any infections.
Following the steps mentioned earlier, such as cleaning the eye and applying prescribed medication, helps prevent the introduction of bacteria and promotes healing. However, it is important to be vigilant and monitor your dog's eye for any signs of infection. If symptoms worsen or new symptoms arise, such as increased discharge, foul odor, or persistent redness, it is crucial to seek veterinary attention as soon as you can.
When To See The Vet
In some cases, a scratched dog's eye can be treated at home with proper care and medication. However, there are situations where veterinary case is a must.
- The Scratch Is Severe: If the scratch appears deep, causing significant pain or bleeding, it is essential to seek immediate veterinary care. Deep scratches may require sutures or other specialized treatments to ensure proper healing.
- The Symptoms Worsen: If your dog's symptoms worsen despite home care, or new symptoms arise, it is crucial to consult a veterinarian. This includes increased redness, swelling, discharge, or signs of pain.
- The Eye Does Not Improve: If there is no improvement in your dog's eye within a few days, or if the condition deteriorates, seeking professional advice is necessary. Delayed healing or persistent symptoms may indicate a more serious underlying issue that requires medical attention.
How To Protect Your Dog From Cat Scratches
Prevention is always better than cure, and there are measures you can take to protect your dog from cat scratches in the future:
- Supervise Interactions: When cats and dogs interact, ensure proper supervision, especially during the initial stages of their relationship. This allows you to intervene and redirect their behavior if it becomes too rough or aggressive.
- Provide a Safe Environment: Create separate spaces for your cat and dog, especially during times when you are unable to supervise them. This ensures they have their own areas to retreat to and reduces the likelihood of conflicts or accidents.
- Train Your Dog: Basic obedience training is essential for all dogs. Teaching your dog commands such as "leave it" or "come" can help prevent them from engaging in potentially dangerous situations with cats.
- Trim Your Cat's Claws: Regularly trimming your cat's claws can help minimize the risk of injury during interactions with your dog. If you are unsure how to trim their claws safely, consult a veterinarian or a professional groomer.
- Positive Reinforcement: Reward both your cat and dog for calm and positive interactions. This reinforces good behavior and encourages a peaceful coexistence between them.
The Bottom Line
So there you have it, a cat scratching your dog's eye can be a distressing situation, but with prompt attention and proper care, the risks can be minimized, and your dog can make a full recovery.
Always cherish and prioritize your dog's well-being. They rely on you for their care and safety!
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do right after my dog's eye is scratched by a cat?
Remain calm and approach your dog gently. Avoid touching the injured eye to prevent further irritation. If there is any foreign material in the eye, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
Should I flush my dog's eye with water?
No, you shouldn't even try. Flushing without proper knowledge could cause additional harm.
Can I apply any over the counter eye drops?
Do not use any over the counter medications without talking your veterinarian first. Some eye drops may worsen the condition or be harmful to your dog's eyes.

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