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Are Corgis Good With Cats? Answered!

Are Corgis Good With Cats? Answered!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

January 22, 2024

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If you happen to have a cat and dog at home you might be wondering whether Corgis are good with cats. For the most part, when you think of corgis you think of them as playful dogs with other dogs but what about with cats?

In this article, we will explore the dynamics between Corgis and cats, how to tell if your cat likes your Corgi, and provide tips on how to get your Corgi to get along with your cat.

Let's dive in!

Differences in Corgis and Cats

Before we dive in let's put down the differences between Corgis and Cats. It's important to understand them as we get a better understanding of their relationship.

Corgis and cats are inherently different in many ways. Corgis are energetic, herding dogs known for their intelligence and playfulness. Cats, on the other hand, are more independent and have a reputation for being aloof. These differences in temperament and behavior can sometimes lead to conflicts between the two.

Corgis have a strong prey drive due to their herding instincts. They may be tempted to chase after cats or any small animals they perceive as potential prey. Cats, being natural hunters themselves, may not appreciate this behavior and may respond defensively.

Are Corgis Good With Cats?

Yes, Corgis can be good with cats, but it largely depends on their individual personalities and early socialization. Some Corgis may have a higher prey drive, making it more challenging for them to coexist peacefully with cats.

However, with proper training and socialization, most Corgis can learn to get along with cats.

It's important to note that introducing a new pet into your household requires careful consideration and planning. If you already have a cat, take the time to assess their tolerance and comfort level around dogs. Similarly, if you have a Corgi, observe their behavior around cats before bringing one into the home.

Do Corgis like Cats?

Similar to the previous question, whether a Corgi likes cats depends on their individual personality and early socialization experiences.

While Corgis may have a natural instinct to chase small animals, it doesn't necessarily mean they dislike cats. Many Corgis can develop a fondness for cats with a proper introduction and positive experiences. So yes corgis can enjoy being around cats. It's crucial to set the right foundation for their relationship to flourish.

When introducing a cat to your Corgi, make sure to supervise their interactions closely. Start with short, controlled meetings, and gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable with each other. Reward both your Corgi and cat with treats and praise for calm and friendly behavior.

How to Tell If Your Cat Likes Your Corgi

While cats and Corgis may have their differences, it is possible for them to form a bond and even become friends. Here are some signs that indicate your cat likes your Corgi:

  1. Curiosity: If your cat shows an interest in your Corgi by approaching them, sniffing, or observing them from a distance, it's a good sign that they are open to building a relationship.
  2. Relaxed Body Language: Pay attention to your cat's body language when they are around your Corgi. If they appear calm, with their tail held high or relaxed, it suggests that they feel comfortable in their presence.
  3. Slow Blinking: Cat gives slow, deliberate blinks when looking at the Corgi, which is a sign of trust and affection in feline communication.
  4. Head Bunting: The cat gently bumps its head against the Corgi, a common behavior indicating affection and acceptance.
  5. Purring: The cat purrs when in close proximity to the Corgi, which can be a sign of contentment and comfort.
  6. Voluntary Proximity: The cat chooses to be close to the Corgi without being coerced, showing a willingness to share space.
  7. Comfortable Eating: The cat is comfortable eating in the presence of the Corgi without signs of anxiety or hesitation.
  8. Playful Interactions: Cats and Corgis can engage in playful interactions such as chasing each other or batting at each other's paws. If you observe these playful behaviors, it indicates a positive dynamic between the two.


Remember, every cat is unique, and their relationship with your Corgi may take time to develop. Patience and positive reinforcement are key in helping them establish a bond.

How To Get Your Corgi Get Along With Your Cat

Introducing a Corgi to your cat requires careful planning and preparation. It's important to create a gradual and controlled introduction to ensure a positive first impression.

Start by allowing your cat to explore a room while your Corgi is securely leashed. This allows both pets to become familiar with each other's scent without direct contact. Keep the initial meetings short and gradually increase the duration as they become more comfortable.

Reward both your Corgi and cat for calm and friendly behavior during their interactions. Use treats, praise, and affection to reinforce positive associations.

Always supervise your Corgi and cat when they are together, especially during the initial stages. Redirect any unwanted behavior and provide a safe space for your cat to retreat if needed.

How to Train Your Corgi to Get Along with Your Cat

Training plays a vital role in helping your Corgi and cat live harmoniously together. Basic obedience commands such as "sit," "stay," and "leave it" are invaluable for managing their interactions. But how can you teach them to get along with your cat?

Here are some training tips to help your Corgi develop positive behaviors around your cat:

Teach your Corgi basic commands such as "sit," "stay," and "leave it." These commands will come in handy when managing their interactions with your cat.

Associate positive experiences with your cat's presence. For example, reward your Corgi with treats or praise when they remain calm and ignore the cat. Gradually expose your Corgi to your cat's scent by swapping their bedding or using a pheromone diffuser. This will help your Corgi become familiar with the cat's presence without direct contact.

Over time, as they become more comfortable with each other, you can allow supervised interactions without a leash. If any negative behaviors arise, such as chasing or barking, redirect your Corgi's attention and reinforce positive behaviors.

Early Socialization Matters

Early socialization plays a super crucial role in helping your Corgi get along and behave around cats. Expose your Corgi to various environments, people, and animals from a young age. This will help them develop confidence, adaptability, and positive associations with different species.

If you have a Corgi puppy, enroll them in puppy socialization classes where they can interact with other dogs and potentially cats. This early exposure will lay the foundation for a well-rounded and socially adept Corgi.

Supervised playdates with other cats or cat-friendly dogs can also contribute to your Corgi's socialization. Observe their behavior closely and intervene if necessary to prevent any rough play or aggressive tendencies. By exposing your Corgi to positive experiences with other animals, you can increase the likelihood of them getting along well with your cat.

What Should I Watch Out For

While Corgis and cats can develop a harmonious relationship, it's important to be aware of potential signs of discomfort or aggression. Watch out for the following warning signs:

  • Excessive Chasing or Aggression: If your Corgi persistently chases or shows aggression towards your cat, it may be a sign that their relationship needs further intervention or professional training.
  • Fear or Stress: Monitor your cat's behavior for signs of fear or stress, such as hiding, excessive grooming, or aggression towards your Corgi. These signs indicate that they are not comfortable with the situation and require additional support.

Provide your cat with plenty of vertical spaces, such as shelves or cat trees, where they can escape from the Corgi if needed. Additionally, ensure that your cat has a separate litter box and feeding area to avoid resource guarding. If you notice any concerning behaviors, consult a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist for guidance on how to address the situation.

The Bottom Line

So, are Corgis good with cats? The answer is, yes they can be.

Each Corgi and cat is unique, and their compatibility will vary. With proper introductions, training, and socialization, most Corgis can learn to get along with cats. However, it's crucial to monitor their interactions, provide a safe environment, and seek professional help if needed.

Remember, building a positive relationship between your Corgi and cat takes time and patience. With the right approach and understanding, you can create a loving and peaceful home for both your furry friends.

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