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Are Pugs with Blue Eyes Rare? Answered!

Are Pugs with Blue Eyes Rare? Answered!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

July 12, 2023

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One dog feature that always gets me is blue-eyed dogs. When it comes to pugs that's as rare as it gets. Most commonly, we see pugs with brown or dark-coloured eyes, but on rare occasions, you might come across a pug with blue eyes. Well, are pugs with blue eyes rare? Why the blue eyes? Let's jump in.

Is It Normal For A Dog To Have Blue Eyes?

Before we dive in let's go over if dogs with blue eyes are normal. To put it simply yes, but it's not common. In fact, only a few breeds are genetically predisposed to blue eyes. These include the Siberian Husky, Australian Shepherd, Dalmatian, and a few others. Blue eyes in these breeds occur due to a specific gene that affects the pigment in their eyes.

However, it's also crucial to note that just because a puppy has blue eyes, it doesn't mean they'll remain blue as the dog grows older. Puppies are often born with blue eyes, which darken with age as the pigmentation in their eyes develops.

Are Pugs with Blue Eyes Rare?

Now, let's get back to our central question. Are pugs with blue eyes rare? The short answer is yes, they are. Blue eyes are not a common feature in pugs, and it's not a trait that breeders typically select for. Most pugs have either dark brown or black eyes, which is in line with their overall colouring.

However, every once in a while, you might come across a pug with stunning blue eyes. These blue-eyed beauties are indeed a rarity and something you don't get to see on every pug.

3 Reasons a Pug’s Eyes Are Blue

There are several reasons why a pug might have blue eyes. Let's go over the three main ones below.

1. Genetics

The first, and most obvious, is genetics. Just like in humans, eye colour in dogs is determined by genetics. If a pug has blue eyes, it's likely because of a specific gene that affects pigmentation.

2. Pigmentation

It's also possible for a pug to have blue eyes due to a lack of pigmentation. This is often the case with albino pugs, who lack pigmentation throughout their bodies, including their eyes.

3. Health Issue

Another possibility is that the pug's eyes are blue due to a health issue. Certain health conditions, like cataracts or glaucoma, can cause a dog's eyes to appear blue. If you notice a sudden change in your pug's eye colour, it's always a good idea to consult with a vet.

The Science Behind Blue Eyes in Pugs

The science behind blue eyes in pugs is fascinating. Eye colour in dogs is determined by two factors: the pigmentation of the dog's iris and how the light scatters in the dog's eye. In dogs with more melanin, the eyes will be darker. Conversely, dogs with less melanin will have lighter-coloured eyes.

In the case of blue-eyed pugs, the pigmentation in their iris is significantly less when compared to their dark-eyed counterparts. This lack of pigmentation allows the light to scatter in a way that gives the eyes a blue appearance.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, pugs with blue eyes are indeed a rarity. While it is possible due to genetics or lack of pigmentation, it's not a common trait at all in this breed.

If you're lucky enough to come across a blue-eyed pug, consider yourself lucky. As it isn't often you'll see one.

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