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Black Gums in Dogs: What It Indicates and How It Affects Their Health

Black Gums in Dogs: What It Indicates and How It Affects Their Health

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

July 10, 2023

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Oral health in dogs is extremely important and crucial. When it comes to their gums. The color of a dog's gums can provide valuable clues about their health. While pink gums are generally considered healthy, (most dogs have pink gums except breeds like the chow chow or Chinese shar-pei) variations in color can sometimes indicate underlying health issues.

In this article, we will focus on black gums in dogs, what it may mean, and how it can impact their overall health. Let's dive in.

Understanding the Normal Gum Color in Dogs

The ‘normal’ gum color in dogs can greatly vary. While light pink is commonly associated with healthy gums, some dogs naturally have pigmented gums that can be a mix of pink and black, or even entirely black. These color variations are normal and usually not a cause for concern.

However, sudden color changes or spots appearing on your dog’s gums should be monitored closely. The gums are a reliable indicator of a dog’s general health. Unusual gum color changes, such as pink gum turning black, could be a sign of a health problem.

What can cause black gums in dogs? 6 causes

The reasons behind black gums in dogs can range from harmless pigmentation to severe health conditions. These are six potential causes:

1. Breed-Specific Pigmentation

As mentioned earlier, some dogs naturally have black areas in their mouths, and in most cases, it’s simply normal pigmentation. (Certain breeds like Chow Chows and Shar Peis naturally have black gums as part of their genetic makeup.

Black gums can be a genetic trait in some dog breeds. So the number one cause is pigmentation or black gums which are totally natural in dogs.

2. Age-Related

It might be a pigmentation due to their age. As dogs get older their tounges and gums can sometimes go from pink to black. But don't worry, it's just a natural pigmentation change due to their age! It's actually pretty fascinating to see how our furry friends evolve over time.

3. Cancer Indicator

Black or dark spots on the gums can signify oral melanoma, a type of cancer. It may sound scary, but it's important to be aware of these signs and take action if you notice them. When it comes to oral melanoma in dogs we're not just talking about a pigmentation of a black spot but rather a black lesion.

4. Cyanosis

If the gums are not just dark, but bluish-black, it can signal cyanosis, a serious condition where your pet isn't getting enough oxygen. Now when this occurs it's a sudden change. The gums go from bubbly pink to black in a matter of hours/days. If your dog is experiencing cyanosis they'll also experience other problems such as difficulty to breath and tiredness. Cyanosis can be caused by a lung or heart problem.

5. A sign of gum disease

Well, this is a very common cause. Your dog may have a certain gum disease that's causing the pigmentation inside his/her gums. The blackness may be a build of up tartar.

If your dog is constantly bleeding from the mouth has a foul smell and has a hard time biting down on things. Most likely it's gum disease.

6. A Matter Of Inflammation

Perhaps the pigment is a result of inflammation. Your dog might have gotten hurt or had a gum problem and due to that it caused that area to inflate. The dark pigment may have happened as a secondary after the inflammation.

How Black Gums Affect Your Dog's Health

Black gums, especially when they appear suddenly, can have serious implications for your dog's health. Oral melanoma, a cancerous condition, can lead to black spots on your dog's gums. If left untreated, the cancer may spread to other parts of your dog's body.

Periodontal disease, another cause of dark gums, can lead to tooth loss if not addressed promptly. Severe cases can even affect the heart, kidneys, and liver. Cyanosis, indicated by bluish-black gums, is a medical emergency, as it means your dog isn't getting enough oxygen.

But not to panic! Most cases of black gums in dogs are simply caused by pigmentation or age-related issues.

The Correlation Between Black Gums and Oral Health in Dogs

Oral health is vital to your dog’s overall well-being. Healthy gums are usually firm, and their color can range from light pink to black, depending on the breed. However, changes in gum color, particularly the development of dark spots, can suggest oral health problems.

Oral melanoma and periodontal disease, both potential causes of black gums, are serious oral health issues. Regular dental check-ups are crucial in detecting these conditions early. If your dog has developed black gums, it is essential to monitor their oral health closely and consult a vet if you notice any changes.

What to Do If Your Dog Has Black Gums

If you notice your dog's gums turning black or dark spots appearing, it is essential to consult your vet immediately. They can perform a thorough examination to determine the cause and suggest appropriate treatment. As mentioned above there can be many causes for the black build so it's best to go to a vet to clarify which one it is. It's always best to be on the safe side.

In the meantime, maintain good oral hygiene for your dog. Regular brushing and dental treats can help prevent gum diseases and tartar build-up. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

When to Consult a Vet for Black Gums in Dogs

Any sudden change in your dog’s gums, including color changes, should prompt a visit to the vet. If your dog's gums are turning black or dark spots are appearing, don't wait. Immediate medical attention can make a significant difference in your pet’s health and comfort.

Black gums can indicate serious health issues, such as oral melanoma or periodontal disease. Early detection and intervention can significantly improve the prognosis for these conditions.

The Bottom Line

To sum up, black gums in dogs can range from being a normal breed-specific trait to indicating serious health conditions. As a dog parent, it's crucial to regularly check your pet's gums and be aware of any changes.

Regular dental care, prompt veterinary consultation at the first sign of trouble, and good overall pet care can help ensure your furry friend stays healthy and happy. The color of your dog's gums is more than just an aesthetic feature it's a window into their overall health.

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