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Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons? Need To Know!

Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons? Need To Know!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

January 7, 2024

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Fig Newtons are a great snack for us humans. However, just because they are safe for us doesn't mean that they are safe for our dogs. So, in this article we'll go over whether dogs can eat fig newtons and if not, why.

Let's dive in!

What Are Fig Newtons?

Before we dive into whether dogs can eat Fig Newtons, let's first understand what these snacks are.

For those who don't know, Fig Newtons are a brand of cookies that have been around for over a century. They consist of a soft, cake-like exterior with a sweet fig filling. While they may be a tempting treat for humans, it's important to consider if they are suitable for our dogs before giving them.

Can Dogs Eat Fig Newtons?

The answer to whether dogs can eat Fig Newtons is a bit complicated.

While Fig Newtons themselves are not toxic to dogs, a couple of bites won't hurt a dog. They are not recommended as a regular part of their diet and should not be fed to your dog. The primary reason for this is their high sugar and calorie content.

Dogs have different nutritional needs than humans, and indulging them with sugary treats can lead to various health issues, such as obesity, dental problems, and even diabetes. It's best to avoid giving Fig Newtons altogether to your dog to ensure their safety.

Are Fig Newtons Healthy for Dogs?

So now that we know dogs should not eat fig newtons, if they do are they healthy?

No, Fig Newtons are not considered a healthy treat for dogs. As mentioned earlier, they contain high amounts of sugar, which can lead to various health problems. The excess sugar can contribute to obesity, dental decay, and even diabetes in dogs.

Furthermore, Fig Newtons lack the necessary nutrients that dogs require for optimal health. They are designed for us humans not for our pet dogs.

Are Fig Newtons Toxic to Dogs?

While you can give Fig Newtons to your dog even though it's not recommended. They are not toxic to dogs.

Keep in mind, that some dogs may have sensitive stomachs or allergies that could lead to digestive issues if they consume Fig Newtons. Additionally, the high sugar content can cause an upset stomach or diarrhea in dogs.

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Figs?

Just like humans, dogs can develop allergies to various foods, including figs. While most dogs can eat figs there are some that are allergic.

If your dog has never consumed figs before, it's a good idea to introduce them in small amounts and monitor for any signs of an allergic reaction.

Symptoms of a fig allergy in dogs may include:

  • Itching
  • Skin rashes
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea.

If you think or know your dog is allergic to figs, avoid giving them any fig-based treats, including Fig Newtons.

What To Do if My Dog Eats Fig Newtons

If your dog manages to get their paws on some Fig Newtons, don't panic.

In most cases, they will likely be fine, but it's best to consult your veterinarian if you notice any adverse reactions.

Monitor them closely for any signs of discomfort or adverse reactions. If they only consumed a small amount, they will likely be fine. However, if your dog shows any signs of distress, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or unusual behavior, it's crucial to contact your veterinarian for further guidance.

How to Prevent My Dog From Eating Fig Newtons

Prevention is key and the easiest to do.

When it comes to keeping your dog safe from potentially harmful foods. To prevent your dog from eating Fig Newtons or any other food they shouldn't have, it's important to practice proper food storage and supervision.

Keep all human snacks securely stored away in cabinets or pantry shelves that are inaccessible to your dog. When enjoying Fig Newtons or any other treats, do so in an area where your dog cannot reach them. Additionally, communicate with family members or guests about not feeding your dog any human food without prior permission.

Alternatives to Fig Newtons for dogs

If you're looking for alternative treats to share with your dog, there are numerous options that are safer and healthier than Fig Newtons. Here are a few ideas:

  • Fresh fruits: Many fruits, such as blueberries, watermelon, and apples, make excellent and nutritious treats for dogs. Just remember to remove any seeds or pits and introduce new fruits gradually to ensure your dog tolerates them well.
  • Vegetables: Carrots, green beans, and cucumber slices are low-calorie options that can be given as treats. They provide a satisfying crunch and are packed with vitamins and minerals.
  • Dog-friendly treats: There are numerous treats specifically formulated for dogs available in pet stores. Look for treats made with wholesome ingredients and without any artificial additives or excessive sugars.

Now, I know these probably sound very generic but dogs like generic, and it's best for them as well.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, while Fig Newtons themselves are not toxic to dogs, they are not a recommended treat due to their high sugar and calorie content.

If your dog accidentally eats Fig Newtons or any other potentially harmful food, monitor them closely and contact your veterinarian if you notice any adverse reactions. Remember, prevention is key, so keep all human snacks securely stored away to prevent your dog from accessing them. Stay safe and healthy!

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