Can Dogs Sense Storms? All You Need To Know!
Can Dogs Sense Storms? All You Need To Know!

By: Sarah Hodgson
October 29, 2023
- Posted in Dogs
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Dogs have an ability that we would expect superheroes to have which is to predict weather changes. Now how exactly does it work, how far away can they predict a storm and so many more questions we need answered!? In this post, we're going to go over all that. So keep reading as it will get interesting.
Let's dive in!
Can Dogs Sense Storms?
Let's first answer this basic question. Can dogs actually sense storms Well, yes!
Yes, dogs can sense storms or changes in the weather. Dogs have keen senses, including acute hearing and a strong sense of smell, which can make them more attuned to environmental changes.
It's important to note that not all dogs react to storms in the same way. Some dogs may show signs of anxiety, such as pacing, panting, hiding, or whining, while others may not seem to be affected at all.
Now that that's understood let's go over the ways dogs can sense storms coming.
Ways A Dog Can Sense A Storm
Well, you now know dogs can sense storms. They have these heightened senses which primarily allow them to sense storms. But how exactly do they do it?
1. The Power of Hearing
One way dogs can sense storms is through their exceptional sense of hearing. Dogs can hear frequencies that are far beyond what humans can perceive. They can hear the sound of thunder long before we can. The loud claps of thunder in a storm can be frightening for them.
I believe if you not only heard them amplified but also didn't have any explanation or understanding of what it was you would be truly terrified. So just imagine how our dogs feel.

2. Changes In Air Pressure
Dogs are also sensitive to changes in air pressure that often precede storms. When a storm is approaching, the barometric pressure can drop, and some dogs may sense this change quickly, which could lead to changes in their behavior.
This is truly fascinating as we humans can't feel it.
3. Sensing Electrical Changes
Before a storm, there is a build-up of static electricity in the air. Dogs, with their heightened senses, can feel this static build-up. This could explain why some dogs become restless or start behaving strangely prior to a storm.
Dogs actually feel the static electricity on their coats. The dogs with double fur coats feel it even more.
4. Sensing Atmospheric Changes
As the barometric air pressure drops and the winds begin to shift, dogs become alert to these atmospheric transformations. It's a sensory skill that defies our understanding, as they react to changes that are often imperceptible to us.
Imagine being in their paws, experiencing these mysterious shifts in the air, and it becomes clear that our four-legged companions possess an extraordinary intuition for sensing atmospheric changes long before we can fully fathom them.
5. Changes In Scent
Storms bring changes in the environment, which result in different scents and odors that dogs can detect. They might be able to pick up on these changes and become more alert or anxious as a result.
Dogs have a sense of smell 20 times our senses. Which is simply crazy to imagine. So imagine a storm coming your dog most likely can smell the changes occurring.
6. Behavioral Cues
Sometimes, dogs pick up on their owners' anxiety or nervousness when they react to an impending storm. This can further contribute to their anxiety or restlessness.

7. Instincts
Lastly, a dog's remarkable ability to detect an impending storm is rooted in their instincts, over generations of evolution.
These instincts include a strong survival drive, honed in the wild, which prompts them to be acutely aware of environmental cues associated with a storm's approach, such as changes in air pressure and humidity. These instincts serve as a powerful early-warning system, enabling dogs to sense an incoming storm.
How Dogs Sense Weather Changes?
Just like their ability to sense storms, dogs can also sense other weather changes. This could be a sudden drop in temperature signaling the onset of winter or an increase in humidity indicating rain and more.
1. Sensing Temperature Changes
Dogs have a keen sense of temperature changes. This allows them to prepare for the change in weather conditions. For instance, as the seasons pass, you may notice your dog's coat thickening in the approach of winter, a natural response that helps them stay warm and comfortable during colder months.
2. Sensing Humidity Changes
Dogs are also sensitive to changes in humidity levels. An increase in humidity often indicates that it’s going to rain. Dogs can sense this change, and you might notice them behaving differently. (We'll go over their behavior in the next section).
3. Sensing Wind Direction Changes
Lastly, dogs can detect changes in wind direction, which is another indicator of an impending change in weather. They can sense this change even before we do, and you might notice them becoming restless or anxious.
Symptoms A Dog Might Experience When Sensing a Storm
Storm anxiety is a common issue that many dogs experience. It is characterized by a range of behaviors and physical symptoms that are triggered by thunderstorms or weather changes which dogs sense that we humans don't.
In this section, we will explore some of the most common symptoms a dog might experience (storm anxiety).
- Excessive panting and drooling: One of the most noticeable symptoms of storm anxiety in dogs is excessive panting and drooling. When dogs become anxious, their heart rate increases, and they may start panting heavily. This can be accompanied by excessive drooling, as their stress levels rise. If you notice your dog panting and drooling excessively during a storm, it may be a sign of storm anxiety.
- Trembling and shaking: Another common symptom of storm anxiety in dogs is trembling and shaking. Dogs may shake uncontrollably or have noticeable tremors in their body when they are anxious. This trembling is a physical manifestation of the fear and stress they are experiencing during a storm. It is important to provide comfort and reassurance to your dog during this time to help alleviate their anxiety.
- Hiding or seeking comfort: During a storm, dogs with storm anxiety may exhibit behaviors such as hiding or seeking comfort. They may try to find a safe place to hide, such as under furniture or in a closet, where they feel protected from the loud noises and flashes of lightning. On the other hand, some dogs may seek comfort by staying close to their owners, seeking physical contact or crawling onto their laps. These behaviors are their way of coping with their fear and seeking security.
- Destructive behavior: In severe cases of storm anxiety, dogs may exhibit destructive behavior as a result of their anxiety. They may chew on furniture, scratch doors or windows, or even urinate or defecate indoors. This destructive behavior is a way for dogs to try and relieve their anxiety by redirecting their focus on something else. It is important to provide appropriate outlets for their anxiety, such as interactive toys or puzzles, to prevent destructive behavior during storms.
- Excessive barking or whining: Dogs with storm anxiety may also bark or whine excessively during a storm. The loud noises and flashes of lightning can be overwhelming for them, causing them to vocalize their distress. They may bark or howl persistently or whine in a high-pitched tone. This excessive vocalization is their way of expressing their anxiety and seeking attention or reassurance.
How Far Away Can Dogs Sense Storms?
Now this is a popular question, however, the distance from which dogs can sense storms largely depends on the intensity of the storm and the sensitivity of the dog.
Some dogs can sense storms approximately 15-25 minutes before they happen. Plus dogs can hear storms from a distance of over 20 miles.
Sensing Thunderstorms
It is estimated that dogs can hear thunder from a distance of over 20 miles. So, if your dog suddenly starts acting anxious, it could be that they are sensing an approaching thunderstorm.
Sensing Tornadoes
Tornadoes cause significant atmospheric changes, and dogs can sense these changes. It's believed that dogs can sense an approaching tornado from a distance of at least 10 miles.
Can Dogs Sense Hurricanes?
Hurricanes, being large and intense storms, cause significant atmospheric and electrical changes. This makes it possible for dogs to sense hurricanes.
However, it's important to remember that while dogs can sense these changes, they might not necessarily understand what they mean.

The Bottom Line
So there you have it, all you need to know about a dog's ability to sense storms.
Dogs possess remarkable sensory abilities that allow them to sense storms and weather changes well before we do. While this is fascinating, it's also a reminder of our responsibility as pet owners. We need to be aware of our pet's behavior changes and understand that they could be reacting to weather changes.
And remember, while dogs can sense these changes, they don't understand what they mean. So, always keep an eye on the weather forecasts and ensure your pet's safety during storms and other extreme weather conditions.

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