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Should You Get a Hair Out of Your Dog's Eye? Need To Know!

Should You Get a Hair Out of Your Dog's Eye? Need To Know!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

January 11, 2024

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It's not uncommon if your dog suddenly has hair in its eyes. Dogs get foreign objects into their eyes constantly but the problem is that it can cause discomfort and even lead to more serious problems if left unaddressed.

In this article, we will explore why hair gets into your dog's eye, the consequences it can have, and how to safely remove it.

Let's dive in!

How Did Hair Get Into My Dog's Eye?

It's not uncommon if there is sudden hair in your dog's eyes. Hair getting into your dog's eye can happen for various reasons.

One common cause is the natural shedding that dogs go through. As their fur grows, some of the loose hairs can easily find their way into their eyes. Additionally, certain breeds with long or curly hair, such as Shih Tzus or Poodles, are more prone to this issue due to the nature of their coat.

Another factor that can contribute to hair in your dog's eye is their daily activities. Dogs love to explore their surroundings, and this can involve running through bushes or tall grass. These environments can be filled with loose hair, dirt, or debris that can easily become lodged in their eyes.

What Happens When Hair Gets Into Your Dog's Eye?

Now it's not uncommon for hair to be there, but what happens when it is?

When hair gets into your dog's eye, it can cause irritation and discomfort. Your dog may start blinking excessively, rubbing their eyes against furniture or the floor, or even pawing at their face. If left untreated, the hair can lead to more severe issues, such as corneal ulcers or infections. These conditions can be painful for your dog and may require medical intervention.

So the best thing to do if hair gets into your dog's eye is to remove the hair.

Can The Hair Come Out Automatically?

Before we get into the ways to remove the hair, can it come out automatically?

Yes! In some cases, hair in your dog's eye may come out naturally. Dogs have a protective mechanism called the "third eyelid" or "haw," which helps remove foreign objects from their eyes.

This thin membrane can move across the surface of the eye, collecting any debris, including hair, and then flushing it out through tear production. However, this process may not always be sufficient, especially if the hair is deeply embedded or causing significant discomfort to your dog. So the next step would be to remove it manually.

How Do You Get Hair Out of Your Dog's Eye?

If you notice hair in your dog's eye, it's essential to address the issue as soon as you can.

Here are some steps you can take to safely remove the hair:

  1. Prepare a clean, well-lit area: Find a quiet space where you and your dog can comfortably work together. Make sure you have good lighting, as it will help you see the hair more clearly.
  2. Wash your hands: Before touching your dog's eye, wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap and warm water. This step helps prevent the transfer of any bacteria or dirt that may be on your hands.
  3. Restrain your dog: Gently hold your dog's head still, ensuring they feel secure and calm. If your dog becomes anxious or agitated, it may be helpful to have someone assist you in restraining them.
  4. Use a saline solution: You can use a saline solution specifically designed for eye irrigation to flush out the hair. Carefully rinse your dog's eye by gently squirting the solution into the inner corner of the eye and allowing it to flow across the surface. This can help dislodge the hair and flush it out.
  5. Flush It and Grab It: With a clean finger slowly pull the hair to the outside corner of the eye.

Should You Cut Your Dog's Hair Over Their Eyes?

While cutting your dog's hair over their eyes may seem like a simple solution to prevent hair from getting into their eyes, it won't always work.

However, it is suggested to cut the hair enough to help them see as sometimes the hair can block their vision which can cause problems.

The Risks Of Hair In Dog Eyes

While this may seem obvious, hair in your dog's eyes can pose several risks. Some of the main risks include:

Irritation and discomfort: The presence of hair in the eyes can cause your dog to experience constant irritation and discomfort. This can affect their overall well-being and may lead to behavioral changes.

Corneal ulcers: If the hair remains in the eye for an extended period or causes excessive rubbing, it can result in corneal ulcers. These open sores on the cornea can be painful for your dog and require medical attention.

Eye infections: Hair can introduce bacteria and other pathogens into your dog's eyes, increasing the risk of eye infections. These infections can be challenging to treat and may require medication or even surgery.

Can You Use Eye Wash on Dogs?

Using an eye wash specifically formulated for dogs can be a safe and effective way to clean your dog's eyes.

These products are designed to be gentle and non-irritating, making them suitable for regular eye maintenance. However, it's crucial to consult with your veterinarian before using any new products on your dog. They can provide guidance on the best eye wash for your dog's specific needs and help ensure that you are using it correctly.

When To Seek Veterinary Help

While most cases of hair in your dog's eye can be resolved at home, there are situations where veterinary help is necessary. You should seek professional assistance if:

  • The hair remains lodged in the eye despite your efforts to remove it.
  • Your dog's eye shows signs of infection, such as redness, discharge, or swelling.
  • Your dog's behavior indicates severe pain or discomfort.
  • Your dog's eye becomes injured or shows signs of trauma during the removal process.

A veterinarian will have the expertise and tools to safely remove the hair and provide any necessary treatment.

Preventing Hair From Getting Into Your Dog's Eye

While it may not be possible to completely eliminate the risk of hair getting into your dog's eyes, there are steps you can take to minimize the chance of it:

  1. Regular grooming: Regular grooming sessions can help keep your dog's coat in good condition and reduce excessive shedding. Brushing your dog's hair not only helps remove loose hairs but also prevents matting, which can contribute to hair getting into their eyes.
  2. Trim hair around the eyes: If your dog's hair is long or prone to getting into their eyes, consider having a professional groomer trim it. A slight trim around the eye area can help keep hair out of their eyes without posing the risks associated with cutting it yourself.
  3. Use protective eyewear: If your dog frequently participates in activities that increase the risk of hair or debris getting into their eyes, such as hiking or swimming, you may consider using protective eyewear designed for dogs. These goggles can help shield their eyes and prevent foreign objects from entering.

The Bottom Line

Hair in your dog's eyes may seem like a minor concern, but it can cause discomfort and potentially lead to more serious issues if left unaddressed.


Remember, if you have any concerns or are unable to remove the hair yourself, it's always best to seek veterinary assistance. With proper prevention and care, you can keep your dog's eyes healthy and free from hair-related issues.

If you have any concerns about hair in your dog's eyes or need professional assistance, contact your veterinarian for guidance.

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