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How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost? Price Guide

How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost? Price Guide

Yaniv Oxenhandler's picture

By: Yaniv Oxenhandler

January 4, 2024

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Before getting any dog, a question that often comes to mind is how much does a dog cost? If you want to add a cute small packed dog such as the Yorkshire to your family you might be wondering "How much does a Yorkshire Terrier cost?"

In this article, we will explore what factors affect the price of a Yorkie puppy, the initial bring home costs, monthly expenses, health costs, grooming costs, and other one-time expenses associated with owning a Yorkshire Terrier.

Let's dive in!

What Is A Yorkshire Terrier?

Before we dive into the cost of a Yorkshire Terrier, let's first understand what exactly a Yorkshire Terrier is.

Yorkshire Terriers, often referred to as Yorkies, are small and energetic dogs known for their luxurious, silky coat and energetic personality. Dog lovers love them because of their small compact size yet big personalities.

Here are some fun facts about these dogs:

  1. Yorkshire Terriers were originally bred to catch rats in clothing mills during the 19th century.
  2. Despite their small size, Yorkshire Terriers are known for their feisty and confident personalities.
  3. The world's smallest dog, a Yorkshire Terrier named Sylvia, weighed just 4 ounces and stood 2.5 inches tall.
  4. Yorkies have a luxurious, fine-textured coat that is hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for individuals with allergies.
  5. In 2008, a Yorkshire Terrier named Smoky became a war hero during World War II, serving with the U.S. Army in the Pacific.
  6. These pint-sized pups often think they're much larger than they are, fearlessly taking on larger dogs with enthusiasm.
  7. Yorkies have a distinctive blue and tan coat, and their colors often deepen and become more vibrant as they mature.
  8. The breed's name originates from its place of origin – the county of Yorkshire in England.
  9. Yorkshire Terriers are known for their intelligence and can excel in various dog sports and activities.
  10. Despite their small size, Yorkies make excellent watchdogs due to their alert and vocal nature.

What Factors Affect The Price Of A Yorkie Puppy?

Several factors can influence the price of a Yorkie puppy. The reputation and experience of the breeder play a significant role in determining the cost. Responsible breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs may charge higher prices. Additionally, the lineage of the puppy has an impact on its price. Show-quality Yorkies with champion bloodlines tend to be more expensive than those without. That might sound weird but it's true!

Supply and demand also affect the price of Yorkshire Terriers. If there is a high demand for Yorkies in your area, the prices may be higher. Additionally, the age of the puppy can influence the cost. Younger puppies are generally more expensive than older ones. Finally, the location and shipping costs can add to the overall price of a Yorkie puppy.

So overall many things affect the price but how much are they?

How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost?

The cost of a Yorkshire Terrier can vary significantly. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $800 to $3000 for a Yorkie puppy. The price range is vast due to the factors mentioned earlier.

Show-quality Yorkies with excellent lineage and champion bloodlines will be on the higher end of the spectrum, while pet-quality puppies without any particular pedigree might be more affordable.

It's important to note that the initial cost of purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier is just the beginning. There are several other expenses involved in owning a Yorkie that you should consider before bringing one home. However not to worry, we'll go over all that so by the time you finish reading this you'll be an expert.

There are two main ways to get a Yorkshire Terrier free and from a breeder.

Free Yorkshire Terrier

If you're looking to save on the initial cost of a Yorkshire Terrier, you may consider adopting one for free. Occasionally, you can find Yorkies available for adoption through local shelters or rescue organizations. Adopting a Yorkie can be a rewarding experience, as you are giving a loving home to a dog in need. However, keep in mind that there may still be adoption fees or expenses associated with the adoption process.

Buying a Yorkshire Terrier from a Breeder

If you choose to buy a Yorkshire Terrier from a breeder, it's important to do thorough research and find a reputable breeder. Responsible breeders prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs and will provide you with the necessary documentation, such as health certificates and pedigree papers. While buying from a breeder may be more expensive than adopting, it allows you to have more control over the puppy's upbringing and early socialization.

Initial Bring Home Costs Per Month

In addition to the initial cost of purchasing a Yorkshire Terrier, there are several other expenses you should consider. When bringing your new furry friend home, you will need to invest in essential supplies such as:

  1. Crate: A suitable crate for a Yorkshire Terrier can cost between $20 to $100, depending on the size and material.
  2. Bed: A cozy dog bed for a Yorkshire Terrier may range from $15 to $50.
  3. Food and Water Bowls: Stainless steel or ceramic bowls typically cost $5 to $20 each, so a set might total $10 to $40.
  4. Leash: A quality leash for a Yorkshire Terrier could range from $10 to $30.
  5. Collar: A comfortable and durable collar might cost around $5 to $20.
  6. Toys: Yorkshire Terrier-sized toys can vary in price, with a selection costing anywhere from $10 to $30.
  7. Pet Insurance: Pet insurance premiums for a Yorkshire Terrier can vary based on factors such as the dog's age, health, and coverage level. On average, you might expect to pay around $20 to $50 per month for basic coverage.

Grand Total: $100-$500

These initial costs of bringing a Yorkshire home can range from $100 to $500, depending on the quality and products you choose.

How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost Per Month?

Aside from the initial bring home costs, owning a Yorkshire Terrier comes with monthly expenses. These costs include food, treats, grooming supplies, and health costs.

On average, you can expect to spend around $50 to $120 per month on these monthly recurring expenses when bringing home a Yorkshire Terrier. It's important to budget for these costs to ensure that you can provide your Yorkshire Terrier with the care they need.

Health Costs Of a Yorkshire Terrier

$60–$400 per month

The health of your Yorkshire Terrier is of utmost importance, and regular veterinary care is essential to keep them in optimal condition. Routine vaccinations, annual check-ups, and preventive medications are necessary expenses to ensure your Yorkie stays healthy. Additionally, unexpected health issues or emergencies can arise, requiring immediate veterinary attention. It's advisable to set aside a budget for potential health costs, which can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars annually.

Enrichment Costs

$20–$50 per month

Yorkshire Terriers are intelligent and active dogs that require mental and physical stimulation. Investing in dog toys, puzzles, and interactive games can keep your Yorkie entertained and prevent destructive behavior. Dog enrichment costs can vary depending on the type and quality of toys you choose. On average, you can expect to spend around $20 to $50 per month on dog enrichment activities for your Yorkshire Terrier.

Grooming Costs

$0–$100 per month

One of the defining features of a Yorkshire Terrier is their beautiful coat. However, this luxurious coat requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and tangle-free. Grooming expenses can include professional grooming sessions, grooming tools, and grooming supplies such as shampoos and conditioners. Depending on whether you choose to groom your Yorkie at home or visit a professional groomer, grooming costs can range from $0 to $100 per month.

Food Costs

$20–$60 per month

Feeding a Yorkshire Terrier typically costs around $20 to $60 per month, depending on the brand and type of dry dog food chosen. If you decide to include wet dog food, it could add an extra $20 to $40 to your monthly expenses. Additionally, treats for training and rewards might cost around $5 to $20 per month. It's essential to choose high-quality nutrition to keep your Yorkshire Terrier healthy and happy. Keep in mind that these are rough estimates, and actual costs may vary based on specific dietary needs and preferences.

Other One-Time Costs for a Yorkshire Terrier

In addition to the recurring expenses, there are several one-time costs associated with owning a Yorkshire Terrier.

  1. Spaying or Neutering: The cost for spaying or neutering a Yorkshire Terrier can range from $100 to $300, depending on your location and the veterinarian.
  2. Microchipping: Microchipping your Yorkshire Terrier for identification may cost around $50 to $100.
  3. Initial Veterinary Exam and Vaccinations: The first veterinary visit, which includes vaccinations and an initial checkup, may cost approximately $50 to $200.
  4. Grooming Supplies: Basic grooming supplies such as brushes, combs, and nail clippers may cost around $20 to $50.
  5. Training Classes or Supplies: If you decide to enroll your Yorkshire Terrier in training classes, costs can range from $50 to $200. Training supplies, like treats and clickers, may add another $20 to $50.

Additionally, you may need to invest in training classes or behavior consultations to ensure your Yorkie is well-behaved and obedient. These one-time costs can vary depending on your location and the services you choose.

How Much Does It Cost to Train a Yorkshire Terrier?

Training is an essential part of owning a Yorkshire Terrier. Whether you choose to enroll your Yorkie in professional training classes or train them yourself at home, there will be associated costs.

Professional training classes can range from $50 to $100, per lesson depending on the duration and type of training.

Alternatively, if you decide to train your Yorkie at home, you may need to invest in training books, online courses, or training aids. These costs can vary, but on average, you can expect to spend around $50 to $100 on training resources.

Owning a Yorkshire Terrier on a Budget

While owning a Yorkshire Terrier can come with various expenses, it is still possible to provide excellent care for them on a budget.

Consider researching affordable pet supply options, such as discounted pet food stores or online retailers. Additionally, seek out low-cost veterinary clinics or explore pet insurance options to help manage potential health costs. Regular grooming and maintenance at home can also help reduce grooming expenses.

You don't have to splash your whole bank account on them as long as they are healthy, happy, and getting all the care they need.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, expect to pay anywhere from $800 - $3000 for a Yorkshire Terrier. From the initial purchase price to monthly expenses, health costs, grooming expenses, and other one-time costs, there are several financial factors to consider before getting a Yorkshire. By budgeting and planning accordingly, you can ensure that you provide your Yorkshire Terrier with the love, care, and attention they deserve while managing your finances responsibly.

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