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What is a Female Dog Called? (Surprising)!

What is a Female Dog Called? (Surprising)!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

December 24, 2023

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Now male dogs are simply called "dog" or "stud" but when it comes to female dogs they have a different name. Every animal has a name and the same goes for female dogs.

In this article, we will explore the different terms used to refer to female dogs, their origins, and whether you can use them.

So, let's dive in!

What is a Female Dog Called?

When it comes to naming a female dog, they are referred to and you can call them "bitch."

Yes, you heard it right! But before you raise your eyebrows or gasp in shock, let's understand the exactly why it's used. The term "bitch" is derived from Old English and has been used to refer to a female dog for centuries. While it may sound derogatory in modern usage, it is important to remember that language evolves over time, and its meanings and uses can change as well.

What is a Female Spayed Dog Called?

Now that we know the common term for a female dog, what about a female dog that has been spayed?

A spayed female dog is still referred to as a "bitch" since the term is not dependent on their reproductive status.

Spaying is a surgical procedure performed to prevent female dogs from reproducing, but it does not change their gender or the terminology used to describe them. So, whether a female dog is spayed or not, she is still called a "bitch."

Dictionary Definitions of a "Bitch"

To gain a more and better understanding of the term "bitch," we'll go over and explore its dictionary definitions.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "bitch" is defined as "a female dog" and "a lewd or immoral woman."


It is important to note that the second definition is the result of the word's usage in reference to humans and does not apply to female dogs.

The Term "bitch" and Why Female Dogs Are Called That

Now that we have established that "bitch" is the common term used to refer to female dogs, you might wonder why?

The term has its roots in Old English, where it originally meant "a female dog." Over time, its usage in relation to female dogs became more widespread, leading to its current association. It is important to recognize that the term "bitch" is not intended to be derogatory when used in reference to dogs but rather a neutral descriptor of their gender.

Is It Okay To Call A Female Dog a Bitch?

With the evolution of language and growing awareness of gender-specific language, many people question whether it is appropriate to call a female dog a "bitch."

While it is technically the correct term, some people may find it offensive or prefer alternative names. The use of the word does make people uncomfortable.

If you are uncertain about how someone feels about the term, it is best to use more general terms like "female dog". Nowadays, the only people who usually refer to female dogs as a "bitch" are vets.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, a female dog is commonly referred to as a "bitch." While this word has become quite of a curse it is still used in pet clinics.

So, the next time you come across the question, "What is a female dog called?" make sure the person you are with is okay and understands that, that's what they are called.

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