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The Pitbull Yorkie Mix: Everything You Need To Know!

The Pitbull Yorkie Mix: Everything You Need To Know!

Sarah Hodgson's picture

By: Sarah Hodgson

December 14, 2023

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If you're considering getting a new dog, the Yorkie Pitbull Mix might be just what you're looking for. It's a new mixed breed which as the name suggests is a mix between the Pitbull and Yorkshire Terrier breeds.

This unique mixed breed combines the best traits of both the Yorkshire Terrier and the Pitbull, resulting in a lovable and energetic companion (Well, super energetic).

In this guide, we'll dive into the appearance, history, temperament, health problems, exercise requirements, and care needs of the Pitbull Yorkie Mix. By the end of this article, you'll know everything about this mix and will be able to decide if it's the right fit for you.

So let's dive in!

Breed Quick Overview


9 – 17 inches


25 - 65 pounds


11 - 15 years

Suitable for:

Active Individuals or Families, Those with Time for Interaction


Black and Tan, Brindle, Sable, Blue (grayish),


Energetic, loyal, social, protective, adaptable

What Does a Pitbull Yorkie Mix Look Like?

The Pitbull Yorkie Mix is a designer dog meaning the goal of the mix is to get the best traits from its parent breeds and create the ideal characteristic combinations.

Typically, these dogs are small to medium-sized, with a sturdy build and a well-muscled body which they get from their PItbull parent. They have a broad head, almond-shaped eyes, and high-set, erect ears.

The coat of a Pitbull Yorkie mix is another part that might show different traits. Pitbulls typically have short, smooth coats in various colors, whereas Yorkshire Terriers boast long, silky coats often in shades of tan and blue. The mix may inherit a coat that falls somewhere in between, combining elements of both parent breeds.

We'll go over some more aspects of their appearance in the appearance section.

History and Origins of the Pitbull Yorkie Mix

The Pitbull Yorkie Mix is a relatively new breed that is and has gained popularity in recent years. The exact location where it was first mixed is unknown as it wasn't documented well and the same goes for the time.

To get a better understanding let's go over where each parent breed came from:

Short History Of Yorkshire Terrier/Yorkie

The Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, originated in Northern England during the 19th century. Initially bred for the practical purpose of catching rats in mines, the Yorkie quickly became a favorite dog because of its small size and energetic personality.

Today, the Yorkshire Terrier is still adored as a beloved small breed, known for its lively and loving character. From its origins in the mines of Northern England, the Yorkie has transformed into a cherished companion, leaving a lasting mark on the world of dogs.

Short History Of Pitbulls

Pitbulls have a more controversial history. Originally bred for bull-baiting and later used in dogfighting, Pitbulls faced significant challenges associated with their historical purposes. The breed's association with activities like dogfighting has given rise to a complex image problem. Many people view Pitbulls with hesitation or fear due to misconceptions about their temperament and behavior.

Despite these challenges, it's important to note that individual Pitbulls can be affectionate, loyal, and friendly when raised in loving and responsible environments. The breed's negative image is often attributed to the actions of a few individuals who mistreated them for illegal purposes. They are now family-loving pets and are adored by many!

So when mixing these two breeds we get a Pitbull Yorkie or as some like to call it a "Porkie".

Appearance of the Pitbull Yorkie Mix

As mentioned earlier, the appearance of a Yorkie Pitbull Mix can vary. On average, these dogs weigh between 20 to 30 pounds and stand around 12 to 15 inches tall at the shoulder.

  • Size: Varied, typically a medium-sized dog.
  • Coat: Can have a diverse coat, falling between the short, smooth coat of Pitbulls and the long, silky coat of Yorkshire Terriers.
  • Color: Varies widely, influenced by the coat colors of both parent breeds.
  • Facial features: Mix of characteristics from Pitbulls and Yorkies, with a range of expressions.
  • Body structure: Medium build, reflecting a blend of features from the Pitbull and Yorkshire Terrier.
  • Tail: Length and shape may vary, depending on the mix of parental traits.
  • Ears: Shape and size can be a mix of the erect ears of a Pitbull and the small, V-shaped ears of a Yorkshire Terrier.

Temperament of the Pitbull Yorkie Mix

When it comes to temperament, the Pitbull Yorkie Mix is known for being affectionate, loyal, and energetic. These dogs thrive on human companionship and enjoy being part of a family as many other dogs.

They are generally good with children and can get along well with other pets if properly socialized from a young age. However, it's essential to remember that individual temperament can vary, depending on the specific traits inherited from the parent breeds. Some Pitbull Yorkie Mixes may have a more dominant or protective nature, while others may be more laid-back and easygoing (every dog is different in terms of personality just like us humans).

Health Problems of the Pitbull Yorkie Mix

Like all mixed breed dogs, the Pitbull Yorkie Mix can inherit certain health issues from their parent breeds as it's influenced by them. Some common health problems to be aware of include hip dysplasia, allergies, patellar luxation, and dental issues.

Major Concerns

Paroxysmal Respiration

Degenerative myelopathy

Patellar Luxation

Minor Concerns

Eye Conditions

Skin Sensitivities

Dental Problems


It's important to get your Pitbull Yorkie Mix from a reputable breeder who conducts health screenings on their parent dogs to ensure the best possible genetic health.

Exercise Requirements for the Yorkie Pitbull Mix

The Yorkie Pitbull Mix is an active breed that requires a lot of exercise to stay happy and healthy which is the most important thing.

Daily walks, playtime in a secure yard, and engaging in interactive games are all important for them. They have a high energy level, so a combination of physical exercise and mental stimulation is a must.

Due to their small size, they can adapt well to apartment living as long as they receive enough exercise and mental exercise. To sum up, expect to give your Pitbull Yorkie mix at least an hour’s worth of walking daily, combined with active playtime.

Care Requirements for the Pitbull Yorkie Mix

Caring for a Pitbull Yorkie Mix involves a few key considerations. From keeping their coats tidy and feeding them the right food to looking after their teeth, it's about making sure they stay healthy and happy.


  1. Coat Care: The coat of a Yorkie Pitbull Mix can vary, but if it has inherited traits from the Yorkshire Terrier side, regular brushing is essential to prevent matting and tangling. Brushing can be less frequent if the coat is shorter.
  2. Bathing: Bathe them as needed, typically every few weeks or when they get dirty. Use a dog-friendly shampoo to maintain a clean and healthy coat.
  3. Ear Cleaning: Check and clean the ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and potential infections. Use a vet-recommended ear cleaner and avoid inserting anything into the ear canal.
  4. Nail Trimming: Keep the nails trimmed to a comfortable length. Long nails can be uncomfortable for the dog and may lead to issues with walking.


  1. Balanced Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced, high-quality dog food suitable for the dog's size, age, and activity level. Consult with the veterinarian to determine the most appropriate diet.
  2. Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to prevent overfeeding and obesity, which can be a concern, especially if the mix leans towards the smaller size of a Yorkie.
  3. Hydration: Ensure access to fresh and clean water at all times to keep the dog properly hydrated.
  4. Special Dietary Considerations: If the dog has specific health conditions or dietary restrictions, such as allergies or sensitivities, tailor the diet accordingly with guidance from the veterinarian.

Dental Care:

  1. Regular Brushing: Regularly brush the dog's teeth to prevent dental issues. Aim for at least a few times a week, if not daily, using a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste.
  2. Dental Chews and Toys: Provide dental chews or toys that help with natural plaque removal and promote good oral health.
  3. Professional Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups with the veterinarian. Professional dental cleanings may be necessary to address any dental problems and maintain overall oral health.

Do Pitbull Yorkie Mixes Make Good Family Dogs?

Yes! Pitbull Yorkie Mixes can make excellent family dogs in the right environment. They are known for their loyalty and affection towards their human family members, and they love receiving that affection right back to them.

However, due to their energetic nature, they may not be the best fit for families with very young children who may not understand how to interact with a dog properly or seniors who don't have the time to give them all the attention they need.

Why Get a Yorkie Pitbull Mix?

There are several reasons why someone might choose to get a Yorkie Pitbull Mix.

  1. Firstly, they combine the best traits of both parent breeds, resulting in a unique and loving companion. They are loyal, and affectionate, and thrive on human companionship.
  2. Secondly, the Pitbull Yorkie Mix is generally good with children and can get along well with other pets if properly socialized.
  3. Their moderate energy level makes them adaptable to different living situations, whether it's in an apartment or a house with a yard.

What are the Pros and Cons of Getting a Yorkie Pitbull Mix?

Like any dog breed, there are pros and cons to consider when getting a Yorkie Pitbull Mix.

Pros of Getting a Yorkie Pitbull Mix:

  • Size: Pro: The mix of a Yorkie and Pitbull results in a small to medium-sized dog, making them adaptable to various living spaces, including apartments.
  • Adorable Appearance: Pro: Yorkie Pitbull mixes often have a distinctive and unique appearance, combining features from both parent breeds.
  • Loyalty and Affection: Pro: Known for their loyalty, these mixes can form strong bonds with their owners, providing affectionate companionship.
  • Trainability: Pro: With proper training and positive reinforcement, Yorkie Pitbull mixes can be intelligent and trainable.
  • Potential for a Watchdog: Pro: The mix may inherit protective instincts, making them potentially effective as watchdogs.
  • High Energy Levels: Pro: They generally have high energy levels, requiring regular play and walks, making them suitable for active lifestyles.
  • Adaptability to Climate: Pro: Due to their size, they can adapt well to various climates and are generally comfortable indoors.

Cons of Getting a Yorkie Pitbull Mix:

  • Training Challenges: Con: Training may be challenging, especially if they inherit the stubbornness of the Yorkie or the strong-willed nature of the Pitbull.
  • Grooming Requirements: Con: Depending on the coat they inherit, grooming needs can vary. Regular brushing and potential professional grooming may be necessary.
  • Potential for Aggression: Con: Without proper socialization and training, there may be a risk of aggressive behavior, especially if the mix inherits traits associated with the Pitbull.
  • Health Concerns: Con: As with any mixed breed, they may be prone to health issues inherited from both parent breeds. Common concerns may include dental issues, joint problems, or respiratory issues.

As you see the pros far outweigh the cons.

The Bottom Line

So there you have it, the Pitbull Yorkie Mix is another one of the fascinating breed mixes that combines the best traits of the Yorkshire Terrier and the Pitbull.

These dogs are known for their affectionate nature, loyalty, and moderate energy level. They require regular exercise, proper care, and socialization to ensure their well-being and happiness. If you're considering adding a Pitbull Yorkie Mix to your family, be sure to do enough research, find a reputable breeder, and verify whether their needs align with your lifestyle as again they are a highly active breed.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Pitbull Yorkies have a tendency to bark?

Yorkies are known for their vocal tendencies, and Pitbull Yorkie mixes may inherit this trait. Proper training can help manage barking behavior.

Do Pitbull Yorkie mixes get along with other pets?

Yes! Pitbull Yorkie mixes can get along with other pets if they meet them and have positive experiences early on.

How big does a Pitbull Yorkie mix get?

The size of a Pitbull Yorkie mix can vary, but they typically fall into the small to medium-sized range. Adult weight may range from 25 to 65 pounds, depending on genetics and individual characteristics.

Does the Pitbull Yorkie Mix Shed?

No! Thankfully the Pitbull Yorkie mix does not shed as they are hypoallergenic dogs like their Yorkie parents.

Are Pitbull Yorkies easy to train?

It will be a mix of both stubburness and positiveness as that's the qualities they get from their parent breeds. But in general training a Pitbull Yorkie mix can be easy if you use treats and praise when they do what you ask. Start training when they're young, keep it fun, and be patient.

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